Thursday, May 1, 2008

OK Boat Trip, Day 07, 5/1/08

Before I start today’s log, let me mention the excitement last night after we went to bed. Remember I said we checked in with the barge service and asked if we could just tie up to a barge since the wind was so strong? He said yes, but apparently didn’t tell anyone. After all the lights were out and we were in bed, all of a sudden we hear huge diesel engines outside the boat and a one-gazillion candlepower spotlight lighting up the whole world around us. My first thought was that the FBI, CIA, or Homeland Security had finally caught up with us from Olmstead L&D, but it was just one of the local tows checking us out. I rushed up to the aft deck and one of the crew said “You’re OK, we just wanted to be sure we didn’t have any terrorists here!" Enough excitement for last night.

Things didn’t get much better for today either. A huge front is headed this way and there is a hazardous wind advisory for our route down the Mississippi, steady winds 25 to 40 mph with gusts 50 to 60 – think we’ll stay put today. I called the barge service again – they said they understood and agreed it was a smart move.

So, we had a pretty quiet day and a chance to regroup a little, do a little housecleaning, and I decided to take the dinghy for a little excursion. Dinghys are handy for exploring local waters while you’re docked or anchored at a location and are your means for getting ashore if you need to get on land for touring, supplies, etc. And of course they serve as an emergency means if you start to sink!

Anyhow, they attach to the boat with a davit system. There are all types. Our is relatively simple. Two hooks on the dinghy attach to two hooks on the swim platform, pull her up and tie her off.

And a photo of Help Me Rhonda docked at the corn barge.

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